Saturday, October 03, 2009

The Day Before The Day

The Day Before The Day - Dido


Speeches won't be made today, clocks will carry on
今天沒有演講 時間軌道依舊順暢
Flowers won't be left in parks, work will still be done
花瓣不會遺落在公園 工作仍然按時完成
People won't be dressed in clack, babies will be born
人們衣著合宜 仍有新生兒誕生
No flags will fly, the sun will rise,
旗幟不再飄揚 太陽依舊初升
But we know that you are gone
但我們知道 你已不在
You who love to love and believed we can never give enough
你堅信愛是唯一信仰 我們對愛永不滿足
It wakes me every single night, thinking through the day
想起這一天 讓我在每個孤單的夜裡醒來
Did you stop at any time have doubts at any stage
Were you calm or were you numb or happy just to get it done
把事情做完後你是否平靜 感到麻木或是快樂
I've lived my life without regret until today
我此生無悔 直到今天
You who love to love and believed we can never give enough
你堅信愛是唯一信仰 我們對愛永不滿足
I didn't get to say goodbye the day before the day
在這天之前 我並沒有說再見
Was trying to get to work on time, that's why I turned away
之所以轉身離去 只為了完成工作
And missed the most important thing you've ever tried to say
錯過了最重要的事 對你而言從不厭倦去說的話
I've lived my life without regret until today
我此生無悔 直到今天
You who love to love and believed we can never give enough
你堅信愛是唯一信仰 我們對愛永不滿足
And you who hoped that underneath we all felt the same
That was until the day before the day

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